Category: Compliance Program Management

Must-haves for a small compliance team

Must-Haves for a Small Compliance Team

Have you ever wished for a clone of yourself, ready to help you tackle your ever-expanding to-do list? Odds are, if you’re an Ethics and Compliance professional, you could use more than a few clones to help you with your duties. Although we’re probably a few years away from clones-on-demand, […]

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Whistleblower risk

Whistleblower Risk for Private Companies

Whistleblower protection in the private sector has long been murky territory. Historically, legislation such as Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) has covered publicly traded companies, without specific provisions for the private sector. But among Supreme Court rulings, the Private Sector Whistleblower Protection Streamlining Act of 2012, and most recently, the […]

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Creating an Effective Code of Conduct

Creating an Effective Code of Conduct

Imagine a conductor, standing in front of an orchestra with a baton in hand. The ensemble is assembled to produce a successful performance of a single piece of music. Every instrument has their unique part to play, their lines interwoven […]

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